

12:10:00 PM


Happy birthday to me...
On wednesday, the 16th of September, I celebrated my birthday with loads of birthday cakes. I turned 23years old *Hooray* and can still remember the day I celebrated my sweet 18. It was the year where my love for designer bags grew more and more into a small kind of addiction and which hasn't stopped after 5years. It even got a little worse to be honest but no regrets: the black beauties are one by one the best items of my whole wardrobe.

So as I made up a small 'birthday-list' at the beginning of the month, I needed to make descisions on what I would add to my collection. As I found a pair of boots similar to the ones on the list, it became only a matter of choice between 3kind of black bags. And as mentioned before: I couldn't get my thoughts of the black Céline box bag. And that's how my search started.

I honestly never ever, ever, thought that this small dream could come true one day. It's quite an expensive bag and you can only get your hands on it if you go to one of their personal stores in London or Paris for example. 
I already said to myself that I wouldn't go on a trip just to get the bag, so it was more like "When it's meant to be, it will be.". And that's how I found my bag, on a second hand webshop. In perfect condition, no scratches or marks of wearing and for a smaller price! Like the angels heard me up above... 

And let me also tell you a little bit about the place where I took the pictures: it's my hallway at my house. 
How perfect is it to shoot to shoot items on? Ahh, I love my white rooms! Two more weeks and I will live in there for real. #itsgettingreal


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