

The After Work blog is a new project from writer Cindy Van Dyck. After being a Fashion Blogger for over 5years she decided to start something new and more personal.
It will be an online platform for those who also have a fulltime job, but still love the minimalistic lifestyle, from Fashion to Interior and even beauty, travelling and food. The blog will create a balanced mix between all of these subjects to give you what you are looking for and what you want to read after work! Enough said. Time to discover!

The founder of this blog, Cindy Van Dyck, is a 23year old girl living nearby Antwerp in Belgium. She started this blog to share her intrests in Interior and Fashion and to create a platform where people can connect to their own intrests with hers. Next to being an almost full-time fashion blogger, she works as Area Merchandiser and Commercial Responsable at Zara Belux. As you can see, both are related and are her biggest passion. 

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