Here we finally are, 6months after my last update about the dressing. In that final post I told you about my shopping adventure in IKEA, the Algot closet system and my un-patient desire to finish all the rooms in one more month. And that's when the good news comes at the same time: we did finish the house! Yay, yay, yay!
All the rooms have their floors, walls painted and are started to be decorated. Let's get THE HOME PROJECT started on the blog. #imexcited
So time for the first 'real' dressing post: 'How I installed the Algot System'.
My room is rectangle shaped and when you enter you have a square formed space on your left. That's where I decided to have the two walls build up with rails to install the shelves on. On the right you will find the stairs to the bedroom. PS: it's my dad on the pictures, 'cause you can't install this on your own. Take an Ikea buddy with you while placing it all.
It's very important to draw your ideas out on a paper before you start to hang it up. And when you go for shopping: messure every single centimeter twice to be sure. 'Cause I made a mistake of two centimeters which made me lost an entire structure of 4 shelves... You have been warned!
- Once the hang rail (horizontal) has been fixed to the wall, everything goes so quickly! You choose the space in between the shelves with the structure rails, which you've chosen during your shopping trip at Ikea.
Mine is 60cm width each shelve. This means 3rows of shelves on each wall.
- Than you fix your structure rails to the walls. Attention: my walls have been made out of Gyproc, so use special Gyproc screws to fix it to the wall, otherwise it can fall down. Warning number two.
- Third step: placing your shelves, baskets, hangers and every personal desire you want in your dressing.
What I got? You will see it in the next post, just to keep it a little secret for a bit more time...
I have about 3.60 meters of dressing right now, the other empty walls on my right not included. It was actually the main bedroom; but hey! Fashion lovers do need a huge dressing room, isn't it?
It took around two hours to fix everything and to install the closet of my dreams. I really can't wait to show you the results in the next blogpost.
Do let me know if you have any experience with the Algot closet system and thanks again to Ikea to make my dreams come true! #ikeaxtheafterworkblog

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