

12:18:00 PM


We all deserve some sweets...
Last saturday I went with a good friend to Lille, France, to do some shopping. After checking out a couple of sneaker stores, the local Zara shop (like 'duh!') and having a great lunch, we couldn't regret these eclairs when passing by the window of the 'Eclairs Emois' store.

You need to be honest; they are too beautiful to eat and they look like some real candy cakes. I just wanted to try all of them but they're working with a personal baker who makes a couple of eclairs each day and once it's sold out, it's sold out. So not a lot of choice left at the end of the day, but oh Lord! They were delicious...

The first one is a coffee eclair. A typical 'mokka' one as I call it. The eclair in the middle is a mix of pistache, raspberry and a little touch of cinnamon. Yum, yum, yum! And last but not least: the eclair with the three colours standing for: Mango, Raspberry and Cassis. Just thinking about the flavours again makes me want to get some more! #whowantstobringthem I combinated these delicious sweets with a new tea I discovered last week: 'Lipton Blueberry Muffin'. As I am a Tea-addict I love to try out new flavours and this one is currently my favorite tea!

And now I'm sure you want to know where to find these in Lille:
Eclairs Emois
75, Rue de la Monnaie
59000 Lille


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  1. These look really great. I bet they were real tastefull. Xoxo


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