

5:17:00 AM


No empty corners allowed...
At the end of the month it will be 6months since I moved out from my parents house and decided to live on my own. As I said before: the best decision ever and I still feel so comfortable in my house, rooms and the way it looks. I got myself a Christmas tree very early (it wasn't even the period of Holidays) and I didn't have any empty corner in the livingroom. Everything was placed perfectly, but since I cleaned up the tree and the decoration, 
I had some place next to my couch. And as I don't really like emptiness, IKEA was immediately screaming!

I got some new photo frames and two lights. The frames are filled up with art from a friend of mine to make it even more personal. It's still minimalistic but yet a fun corner. #hellonewbies

(Decoration items and lights from IKEA)

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