

10:16:00 AM


The warmer temperatures are back and we all want the perfect beach look, including smooth legs and a bikini body. Some people shave their legs while taking a shower, other prefer epilation techniques just like I do. Once a month is enough for me, they don't grow that fast, but it would be even better to do it once every few months or not at all. How perfect does that sounds? 

Well, it's not unrealistic! Braun launched their new Silk-expert IPL. The only intense pulse light system which adapt automotically to your skin tone for a permanent epilation. It sounds amazing! So I couldn't wait to test it out and to share my experience with you.

First of all you need to check if the system is suitable to your skin and hair color to be sure it doesn't leave marks after using it! And do not use it near by the eyes or on tattoos. But ofcourse you can find all the information in their little book before you start. Or you can ask me by leaving a comment.

So let's get started! They recommend you to remove any visible hair on the skin before you use the device. You can use the Venus inside the box, or as I did: my own epilation system. That's all up to you. Make it dry after epilation and plug in the Silk-Expert.
Once plugged it, you place it on your skin and wait for a couple of minutes: the sensor will analyse your skin tone (80times a second!) and will turn the LEDS into a white light when ready. Than you press and the laser will 'flash' (see on picture below). Yes, it's that easy.

You have two modes to use the Silk-Expert. You can go for a gliding mode (arms, legs, chest, or back) or you can choose the precision mode (knees, ankles, bikini line or the face for females).

But how does it exactly works? Because - YES - it's so easy and after 3months you should have the best results... Let me tell you how: the Silk-Expert works below the skin surface by targeting the melanin in the hair follicle. This helps to break the cycle of re-growth of the hair. And when you use the decive once every two weeks, the light will prevent unwanted hair from reaching the hair surface. So that means: Hello smooth legs!

I used it one week ago, but as I don't have that quick hair growth, I will wait a few couple more weeks before showing you the results to be sure to give you the best informations.


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