

10:15:00 AM


It has been more than two months since I spread the word about completely changing my life after struggling with a Burn-Out. I bet you still remember the blogpost (more than 2000reads have been registred on the post) and I was very surprised by all the lovely comments and support messages you guys sended me in private, on the blog and through social media. Thank you so much for the love!

But how am I doing after these two months? Well let me start with the fact that it wasn't easy at all to go back to work after two weeks off. Two weeks of relaxing, no stress, nothing to think about nor to worry about. But that's how we all feel when going back to work after a vacation.

Honestly, it was the best decision I've ever made. I've never felt as happy as I am today and even though I had a lot of doubts about the new job (like: "Oh my, what if I regret", or "Maybe I won't like the job at all" and more of that), they disappeared after the first hour I arrived at work. Not only it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to arrive at the store, but I'm also home early on delivery days (around 4PM) and always before 7PM on normal closure days. It's a total life changing. And don't get me wrong: I loved what I did before and there are days that I miss the people I've worked with so badly, but wauw. I feel like I'm back again, the good-old me.

Ofcourse I'm still feeling that my body isn't recovered like it should be (the doctor always recommended me to stay home for a month, but I'm so stubborn that I never did it). So I still suffer from muscles pain in my back, shoulders and legs. And when I didn't have enough sleep (like this weekend at the Festival), I feel like I'm back in the middle of the Burn-Out. But I already noticed a huge difference in quality of life. I'm not only doing more things, I'm also seeing my friends and family back. And I can spend as much quality time with them, and for myself, as I want to. It's like "Hello new life! I've been waiting for ya!"

After reading your support messages I realised that I wasn't the only one going through a Burn-Out or wanting to change things in life. Well to all of you I got one, only one, message: "Follow your heart and listen to your body". We only live once, life is already short enough and there's nothing more important than your health and happiness. I can even garantee you that the smile on my face haven't left since the 6th of June, the day I started my new life. #changethings

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