12:28:00 PM


It's all about the number 170...
Everyone has his own identity. Not only by your personal attitude, character or looks you can show the world who you are and what you love, but also with (it's a fact) your ID card. And it can't be changed.

Just as with my home project. I bought a house with the number 170. It's a fact too and won't be changed. This number represents my house, home. And the interior of my home represents on his turn who I am. My indentity, what I love to show the world too. And as I find it very important to show the outsiders the real you, without misleading them, I decided to do the same with my house. I wanted a small 'ID-card' (I love to call it like that) next to my door that represents both. Me, myself and I. And the style of my interior. Simple, minimalistic but yet poweful. I neither wanted boring numbers next to my door. Finding something minimalistic can turn out in a design that is too simple and deja-vu. But while looking for inspirations I found the designs of a Belgian design studio. H3500 is a Belgian brand. The name of H3500 is a mix of the Zip code of Hasselt, Belgium (3500) and from the design studio Hectica that  popped out the idea of redesigning the existing house number of their city, Hasselt. Together with 5local designers they made designs of  number combinations on a specific material and with a unique technique. Especially the stone where it's been designed on is so lovely!

Together we designed a unique house number for my house. 170, in a simple but yet so lovely font and written on the most beautiful stone ever. It will look lovely with my new door. Thank you H3500!


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  1. Heel mooi! Super die persoonlijke toets in de kleine details! :-)


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