

1:06:00 PM


If there was something that didn't go as planned, it would defenitely be my health. The last few weeks of 2016 felt like I was going through a test and even though I didn't want to start 2017 the same way as I felt during summer 2016, there was no other choice than to listen to my own soul and body...

As mentioned in a huge personal story on the blog back in May, I was going through a burnout. The pain I felt those months in my muscles and body brought me to the decision to change my career plans and to go back in store as Manager Menswear. The months after that decision felt like I was back to the old-normal-me and nothing could stop me. But the winter did. I've never been a strong person during these cold weeks. My vitamins D are dropping instantly as soon as the days get shorter, and if I was an animal, I would probably do hibernation as well till the nice weather comes back. Unfortunately we can not and sleeping a lot was the usual thing  to do.

"I just need some time in a beautiful place to clear my head." 

After many hours in bed, 6months of work and one flu after another, my body was giving me new signs. I could sleep again for 12hours non-stop or cry in a corner for no reason. My appetite was going away and the pain in my back and muscles came back. Some days I felt so weak that even taking the stairs at work was no option any more. And after being sick since the holidays, I knew I had to do something about it.

You know, when you're only 24, going through these kind of pain for more than a year and still not aible to do what you love to do with friends and family because you're constantly tired and in pain, it becomes psychological very hard. And changing my career again was no solution to my health issues.

For once, in almost 16months I had to admit that there was no other option than taking a break from daily life and work. Even if that was my last option left, it's not giving up. It's just listening to my body that's crashing down and which has used all the last energy to recover from the flues I've had. I know if I'm not doing this, it can probably go very wrong one day in the streets, my car or at work and that's the last thing I want to happen.

So currently I'm home, recovering and taking as much rest as possible the first days, weeks. After that I need to pull myself back together and become the person again which I've always been. The unexpected, or unwanted, happend and now I need to make the best of it to avoid another kind of story within a couple of months...

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  1. Heel veel beterschap! Ik kan me moeilijk in jouw situatie plaatsen, ik heb het (gelukkig) nog niet meegemaakt, maar ik kan me wel echt voorstellen hoe je je moet voelen!
    Neem maar voldoende rust, omring je door je geliefde vrienden en familie en time will tell!

    Kus, Eline


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