10:16:00 AMWhen I started my YouTube channel I promised you all to share my experiences around Fibromyalgia. I already shared a lot, especially personal stories on the blog, but it's time now to show you something different like my treatments or the products I use for example. And there's nothing better to start with than a product review of something I've been testing for about two weeks now: the EMMA mattress. However you might think I will be writing this because I've had the opportunity to test it out, but no. There's nothing better than a honest review, especially as I take my Fibromyalgia very serious as well.
Let's start at the beginning: the unboxing of a mattress with a dimension of 160x200. It arrived in a small, yet heavy, box and I started panicking immediately. Damn! I've ordered the wrong size! But no it was the right size, haha. After a panic-ish call to my personal EMMA contact she told me that each mattress is wrapped into a vacuum plastic so that each measure fits into their standard box. So whether you order a one person bed or a kingsize mattress, it will arrive in the same box. I tell you this so you won't do a panic attack just as I did. Haha! #sharingiscaring they say. In my new vlog you can see the unboxing and testing into detail.
After unboxing and placing it on my bed, I wait for about +12hours before sleeping on it and I immediately fell asleep like a baby. I was scared though as it's a standard mattress and you can't choose between a soft or hard foam. But it worked! You feel the support right away and for the first time in years I don't have to find a good position. It's strange that I wake up in the same position as I fell asleep in, this never ever happend before! Bye bye late night insomnias and my sleeping pills. I was also laying in bed for hours trying to find a comfortable place and it resulted into back and neck pain in the morning. Something I could definitely miss with my daily muscle pain.
Now we're 12days further and I can tell you, with a big smile on my face, that my neck and back pain have been reduced with about 40%. It's crazy! I never thought a mattress could help me so much and if I knew this before, I would've changed it immediately. Thanks to the different foam layers (5!) you really feel the support your body needs. So I would say: just try it out yourself! You have a return policy of 100days in case the mattress isn't working for you, but I would be surprised if you don't like it :) haha!
For you information you can wash the white cover at 60° and the grey protection at 40°.
As I'm such a fan and I couldn't wait to share with you how it helped with my pain, we decided to give you a discount code which you can use to order your mattress! 'AFTERWORK15' is the magic code to use on www.emma-matras.nl, in order to sleep as a baby. Goodnight loves!

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