

10:49:00 AM

Cheers, smile and *click*! Another picture has been taken while enjoying a wonderful moment with my closest friends. Yesterday it was all about bringing back memories and having a night full of laughters, drinks and some appetizers. Cause who doesn't love to cheers on a new week and to a good friendship? 

As my friends are like a second family for me, I took a moment to relax and bring back amazing memories we created the last few months and years! Thomas, Veronique and Manou were invited to my place and we did it the Italian way. Yes, Italiano, with some Italian snacks, cheese and drinks. Crodino to be more detailed and I'm sure you've seen it passing by before. My favorite is the Crodino 'Rosso', which is made from blood oranges, and which is their new flavor that has been launched last year. It's delicious with a lot of ice and some orange slices or mint. Yummy-Yum! You definitely need to try it. But to give you extra inspirational ideas on a couple of drinks you can make with the Crodino drinks (which will give you some Summer vibes!), I have a couple of recipes ready for you:

1. Crodino Tonic
- 10CL of Crodino Original 
- 10CL of Tonic
- 4slices of Cucumber
- 1orange slice

2. Crodino Orange
Fill your glasses (wine, whisky or cocktail glass) with crushed ice. Make fresh orange juice out of 8oranges and mix it with the Crodino drink. Pour it out in the glass, add a slice of orange and end with a touch of mint.

3. Fruity Crodino
- 10CL of Crodino Original
- 5CL of Cranberry Juice
- 3CL of Pear juice
Add some sugar syrup and finish it with a slice of orange.

Of course we also took a lot of pictures (what else as bloggers?) and they are definitely worth a share on my blogpost. On the bottom you can see the fun moments we had with the Polaroid camera. A bit of old-school music was the finishing touch to our evening and in the end it was a lovely night with other new memories which we will bring back another time. Maybe with Crodino as well? Who knows! #mycrodinomoment 

This post has been made in collaboration with Crodino

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